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    that is awesome. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. i was thinking how great sparrow would be as Tiny’s ragdoll also. full length? sparrow’s outfit?

    still dying to see Jackie, lucy purr, and anne marie get ragdolled.

    also, keep your eye out for a custom I am doing with cali (that will be shot may 16), featuring Hannah as the victim of a white slaver who keeps her KO’d as he has his fun with her. similar to the one I did with Cali as the victim.


    well, well, it was shot on Thursday and there are pics on skw’s twitter page. looks like SK left the bench scene in. Luna looks great, though no football jersey. hopefully, I will have it next week.


    no worries. it’s all good. I am thrilled to see that my series has fans.

    I welcome the suggestions and feedback. I think the vise grip would look awesome. I also liked the feedback about the lack of sleepers in the Becca vid. I didn’t even realize I did that. The more that gets added, the more has to come out and the Becca vid ended up being more power moves and only a few holds. The Saya vid was more holds and then it was so long SK had to cut the power moves short. So I will definitely work on better balance. I am also on the same page with the jobber having a different outfit. I am just comfortable with the jeans and know I won’t be disappointed. But you may see some slight changes to the outfits going forward.

    Velvets, Remi, and Anne Marie are tops on my list. But when the visitors come, you have to take advantage. After Luna, the plan will be for Velvets to be the next victim…and I may set that one up with my next video. Perhaps SK will dock Sapphire’s pay or suspend her for what she does to Luna. Then in the next one, Saph can take it out on Velvets.

    As for 2 girls being ragdolled…I LOVE IT!!!! BUT, obviously that’s more $ and each girl will have fewer moves/holds done and thus more stuff will be missing. I have thought about it, trust me.



    Hey, Guys.

    I am glad to hear that you are all fans of my series.

    Just going through the suggestions, I have a few comments…

    vice grip – I LOVE IT, i will use it in my next vid

    more sleepers & Becca putting up a fight early on – definitely agree on the sleepers as well as other similar type holds. however, with adding the bench stuff, the writing, the rope choke, tie up, etc, and only a 30 minute limit, i can’t have too many of the holds without eliminating stuff. i would love to have prolonged versions of all the various sleepers. i can also do more holds early and then just 1 or 2 finishers. i will change this up from time to time. some vids will have more holds than finishers and vice versa. I prefer not to have my jobber put up a fight.

    longer vids – as Mark knows, I have tried. SK did grant me 45 minutes with the Saya video (which is a close 2nd to Becca IMO). but he has since told me that 30 minutes is the limit per Sapphire’s request. when i inquired about a different heel, he said it’s still 30 minutes. So i only have so much time to get everything in, and a couple of things SK may have to take out due to time restraints. They did go to 38 minutes for the Becca vid, so I was pleased that they went over the limit.

    bare feet – not sure where that came from. i don’t believe i ever specified anything about footwear, it’s just what they have given me since i didn’t specify.

    jeans/outfit/same look – jeans and a sexy top are obviously my thing, so don’t expect much change. however, i agree that all the vids look the same so i do want to make small changes to the outfits. i have given the choice of jeans or denim shorts (daisy dukes) and i haven’t gotten the shorts yet. maybe i will request that in the next one. i don’t know what sk will say about stripping the jobber out of her pants. I’ve thought about it. I’m sure they would do it. i’ll request that one of these days.

    anyway, i love the suggestions & comments. currently debating Luna as the next victim. but if i keep doing vids with the visitors, then i’ll never get around to velvets & anne marie, and i desperately want to do a vid with them.

    thanks, guys!


    Guys…I will leave a very detailed review on skw in a day or two.

    For now I will just say this…

    Best rag doll video ever!!!!!


    I am still patiently waiting for this video. So seems to have a lot of shoots this week so I guess he hasn’t gotten around to editing this yet.

    Meanwhile it looks like katja gets her ass kicked by sapphire again and humiliated. Should be awesome.

    And is the tiny-sapphire match a squash? I would love to see sapphire get squashed.



    Thanks for the Pics!


    Thanks for the heads up. I wasn’t sure if she was there for only a day or if she would be there for a few days. You are my insider. Please keep me posted!


    Yes. It is my usual outfit favorite…jeans and a cute top (didn’t specify) but with a bikini top underneath (didn’t specify a particular color), because she will have her cute top removed early on. I also have her wearing tape on her wrists.

    Hoping this one will be a Home Run! SK only let me down once out of 7 I think.

    It’s my pleasure doing these vids and thanks to SupaMark for all of his hard work on this site. I have discovered many new talents & sites as a result.


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