Old vs New

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  • #54548
    Jack Brewer

    Which do you guys prefer old Mixed boxing videos or these New mixed boxing videos? Ex: Old HTM videos were more focused on the beatdowns rather than the trash-talking.


    I pay to see a fight, trash talk is fun, but sometimes, and i’m not really saying HTM, but sometimes people get out of hand with all the talking.

    The only one i want talking all the time is Jessie Belle. She quick witted, funny, creative and cruel, all at the same time and that is really something special that a lot people think they are, but are not.

    Jack Brewer

    True but these days i feel it gets out of hand. But at least these days the selling has gotten 100x better because looking at some older vids i get so pissed when a girl gets punched and they barely react


    yea the selling was so bad in some cases back in the day and not everyone talks too much. so i think new vids is the easy answer.

    Jack Brewer

    And everything was Femdom back then… Which is why I’m not that big of a fan of it now, but I’ll watch some every now and then.


    Femdom is still much much more popular then maledom. its really easy to find out there. So I’m really happy that we have a few great production that to only have a lot of maledom but also specialize in it.


    I can do without too much trash talking. I just want to see the action and the KO’s. Lady Victoria always does a lot of trash talking when she’s beating up another woman and I find it gets in the way.


    Lady V is a madd woman, but in the right circumstances he banter can be amazing. But you’re right most of the time its too much for me too.


    I imagine that in real life LV is a nice lady but I wouldn’t want to get in a tussle with her.


    Far as a know, in RL, she’s still nuts, but a fun kind nuts, really cool gal.

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