New Video Choice?

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    Have you ever considered doing a new music video focusing on
    extreme over the top reactions? Great site by the way!


    Extreme? I’d love to but i don’t think I’d have enough vids and it would all be skw… well at least most of it would be. So, as much a i would like to, i don’t think its possible.


    I for one believe you can do this…
    There are a ton of SKW vids, some FWR, DT Wrestling, Mutiny, my babe Jezabella (lol), femmix, Ladyfist…


    The idea is great, but for extreme over the top? FWR had like 5 vids that i would call extreme OTT. DT, i don’t have too many, Mutiny, has one, maybe 2. jez i have 1 from her, femmix has… 2 i think i have.. lady fist? do they even have anything over the top?

    so as I said, it would be heavily SKW, becasue i need like 20-30 vids to make a vid that doesn’t repeat scenes too much.

    OR.. give me titles you think are extremely OTT, lets see if we can get enough together.

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