Review of One Wife’s revenge on Luna

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Review of All About EveOne Wife’s revenge on Luna – 13 mins

Evangeline has found out that her babysitter has been fucking her husband. her best friend in the world and gangsta Brooklyn babe Jamie Daniels tells her that there’s only one way to take car of a little bitch like that. She invites her to sit and then she renders her helpless. Strips her and then makes plans for her to be disposed of. Evangeline is mortified but plays along because its better to watch than be next.

While searching the web for Luna videos I found this and one other video for Eve Von Winter’s store, Down at the core, this is you normal sleepy/limp play vid. So you got so chloro KOs, some limp play, clothing removal, even a little touch of carrying. All the things you want to see in your limp play vids, but the actually wrapped this one up in a nice little storyline, where Eve and her friend Jamie is fixing a little problem Eve was having with her babysitter. Luna is gorgeous and sells this wonderfully, although I was a bit upset that we never got to see her butt. I saw the thong through the little white shorts when she walked in and hoped we’d get a better shot of it once the clothes came off, but we never did. Jamie D steals the show a little bit, I mean Luna is obviously the main attention point, but Jamie playing this “gangsta Brooklyn babe” was funny as hell to me. I know Jamie does naturally have that Brooklyn accent, but I think she was hamming it up a little bit here and she just had me chuckling most of the way through this video. Overall, this is Luna in a sleepy limp play vid, she delivers, as you can expect, and she is the main reason you get this vid. But you also might get a little comedy along the way thanks the Jamie Daniels.  

Overall Score: 9/10