Review of Luna Gets Surprised By Karina
Review of Lady2Fight – Luna Gets Surprised By Karina – 17 mins
OTT Style one sided boxing with Karina dominating Luna. No one expects Luna to lose, but gets surprised by Karina (Who she doesn’t know) and humiliated around the ring. Luna Arrives at her boxing match which she was sure to win, but finds out her opponent was replaced at the last minute with Karina. When the match starts Luna tries her best, but quickly becomes a punch drunk groggy mess as she is no match for Karina.
The beginning of this description sold me immediately, “OTT style one sided boxing”! That is literally speaking my language. This video comes through with its promises too. It’s not exactly my type of OTT, with lots of drooling, twitching and what not, but this is definitely an OTT video. Luna is knocked all over the right, with lots of punches sending her literally sailing across the ring, her gloves come flying off, not like she needed them anyway, as she never gets a punch off. Many punches take Luna right up off her feet and if it wasn’t for the ropes, she would have landed in the next area code. We do get lots of eye rolling and plenty of punch drunkenness as Luna tries her best to stay in the fight, to no avail. We get three KOs with only the final one having some twitching, but Luna oversells everything in this match beautifully. Karinia is stoic and merciless, but does talk a little trash along the way. It’s great to see Luna lose and lose like this, it’s not too often that we get to see her do some OTT selling, which makes it easy to forget just how good she is at it. I really like Karinia as the heel too, she has a great mean look and is big enough to make it easily believable that she could dominate Luna like this.
Overall Score: 9.9/10