Review of Sumiko’s Knockout Practice

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Review of Sumiko DreamsSumiko’s Knockout Practice – 11 mins

Sumiko is bored out of her mind so she has the idea to do some solo knock out practice. She uses the random items that were left in her matroom to knock herself out! These are goofy knockouts with some big eye rolls, goofy giggling and smiles, sleepy talk and some slight twitching. Sumiko is having fun with this practice sesh!

Here is another one of those times that I was just looking through Sumiko’s store and realized that she had updated. This why I keep going back over there, you just never know when she’s going to randomly add some new content and she’s so good, it’s always worth the time to just check. So there are two new vids up there, this one and another invisible beat down, which I’ll review for you guys soon. This one is just as good as you would imagine. Sumiko has some fun knocking herself out and really sells the eye rolling, silly smiling and tongue protrusion for us. Not too much for us twitching fans, but still a good show overall. Sumiko used a couple of different objects to KO herself, the exercise ball and the boxing glove where my personal favs, but it is Sumiko and she sells all the KOs great. This one is simple, it short, right to the point, and it’s fun and as silly as you would expect. You can always count on Sumiko to sell some great KOs for you.

Overall Score: 9/10